Tuesday, August 30, 2005

lAst buT not leAst...prEsentIng to Ya tHe fiNal pIc of thE day!that's exacTlY thE spOt whEre wE plAyed coNc. gAme anD chOp chiLLy cHop...haha...oPps...eDrei is miSSing fRm thE photo *sorry*
thAt's whEre We wEnT
tHe otHer siDe of tHe mRt
oN thE wAy to OrchArd
loAdiNg...mEditatIon in pRogrEss...
hOu yIng anD hER nIke shOE
bLeh :P
tIffi aND jIA miN
thE guys (exclUdinG mR liAng)
roCkinG clAss of 05s202
tHe guYS
giRls onLY
yEh :)
jOjo anD tiFfanY
1St piC of thE dAy

Friday, August 19, 2005

fRont covEr of thE bookLet foR mR liAng